Thursday, March 10, 2011

Swollen Feet Not Necessarily Uric Acid

Swollen Feet Not Necessarily Uric Acid

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Some people complain when his leg was swollen means uratnya acid relapse? Really swollen in the foot always leads to uric acid?
GP Balikpapan Pertamina Hospital (RSPB), Dr Dawn Rudy Qimindra say, the occurrence of excess uric acid in the body can be caused by excessive production of uric acid and decreased spending.

Excessive uric acid production was due to eating foods high in purines, alcohol in significant amounts and duration, obesity, and certain diseases. While spending uric acid in the urine are reduced due to kidney disease, drugs, drinking less, and others.
He explained that there is a difference between hiperurisemia arthritis and gout. Hiperurisemia occur when levels exceed the solubility of uric acid in blood plasma. Under normal circumstances, levels of uric acid in the blood of adult males less than 7 mg per cent, and in women less than 6 mg per cent.
While gout or disease Gout is a disease characterized by sudden and recurring attacks of arthritis that was very painful, due to the deposition of monosodium uric crystals, which accumulate in the joints as a result of high levels of uric acid in the blood (hiperurisemia).
"So, gout is associated with high uric acid levels (hiperurisemia), but not all patients suffering from gout hiperurisemia," said Qimi, Dawn Rudy Qimindra familiar greeting.
Typically, a sudden attack of gout arthritis characterized by joint swelling, heat, and redness. In one joint (monoartritis) and reached its peak in the first 24 hours, and can heal itself within 3-10 days. The joints affected are usually at the base of the big toe joint called Podagra.

Other joints that can be attacked is the ankle, heel, knee, wrist, fingers, and elbows. Monosodium uric crystals that when observed by polarizing microscope shaped like needles, so it is natural if there is pain attacks.
"Trigger factors of acute gout include trauma or injury, alcohol, eating purine, drugs, emotional stress, and decreased uric acid in the blood too fast," he said.
According Qimi, in fact the disease is easily treated if treatment is early and regular examinations by a doctor. Later there to monitor uric acid levels and complications of disease, especially to the kidneys. The principle of treatment between hiperurisemia with gout arthritis is somewhat different. In the treatment of acute gout arthritis do not give medicines hiperurisemia during a surprise attack.
Treatment aims to relieve immediate pain, prevent recurrence, and can avoid any complications. Besides medication, should also be noted that given problems makanan.Diet diet to lower uric acid levels in blood and urine. The goal to achieve and maintain nutritional status and reduce the formation of uric acid.
There are several practical diet guidelines low uric acid, among them drink more water to assist removal of uric acid by the kidneys, reduce weight, eating regular, balanced diet by increasing servings of vegetables and fruit, and limit consumption of coffee, tea, drinks berakohol, and chocolate


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